Multifamily Communities
86% of residents prefer to live in green communities. Apartment residents move more often and have less storage space than homeowners. These factors result in more frequent dumping of textiles in the regular trash.
Our service is about convenience. The more convenient the service, the higher the recycling rate. Recycling Pods are serviced weekly. Contact information is clearly displayed on every pod, and staff is on call to receive reports or issues. We run regular education campaigns and provide marketing materials so you can get the word out. Have an active recycling community? Ask about our rebate program.
Recycling Pods
We offer FREE, secure, on site pods and service.Convenience is Key
Pods are the most convenient way for multifamily homes to recycle.
Regular Services
Our fleet is ready to meet your communities' needs.We service pods weekly and maintain on call services for personalized pickup.
Regular service provides you with the most convenient way to recycle, and guarantees a tidy efficient recycling area.
Community Outreach
We love opportunities to get Involved, and offer various community outreach programs.Staying Involved
We are always looking for new community partnerships and love getting involved recycling efforts whether well established or just starting out.
Multifamily Services
Our textile recycling program includes delivery of our signature textile recycling pods, weekly onsite service, on call staff, as well as scheduled pickups on request. We also offer textile recycling educational ambassadors who love to provide staff and residents with educational materials to increase awareness and participation.
Questions to Ask Yourself when Cleaning out Closets
- Does this still fit?
- Has this been worn in the last 12 months?
- Will this ever be worn again?
- Is the item damaged beond reasonable repair?
- Is this still in style?
- Does this reflect my style or the style of my signifcatn other/child(ren)?
- Would I buy this item again?
- Does this item make me or significant other/child(ren) feel confident?